Friday, April 6, 2018

Abby's Maternity Session

 "There is no greater good in the world then MOTHERHOOD. The influence of a mother in the lives of her children is beyond calculation"
- James E. Faust

Last week I had the amazing privilege of gifting a Maternity session to the beautiful Abby. I was so excited to this for her, and was even more excited when I learned that this would be her First baby!
Abby was glowing and looked like an ANGEL or a Fairy amongst all those beautiful cherry blossoms! It had been raining for a few days prior and the morning of. But everything worked out perfectly for Abby's maternity session! It was so perfect, that once we were done it started to rain slightly again! The universe knew we needed to get these pictures taken today since it might be our only chance to do so!

Her little man was really eager to try to make his appearance in this world, and you cant tell in the photos, because Abby is a rockstar, but she was having contractions the entire hour we were creating these memories! She said her doctor was sure he was going to come any day... which would be four weeks early! But there is still no baby yet! I guess he got a little shy.

Abby was such a trooper. She smiled and joked the entire session, and I just loved getting to know her better. (heart emoji) She is so excited to have a little boy (im a little jealous because I want a baby boy). One of the funniest things she told me was that, Her husband is so awkward in front of the camera she would rather do a session with her DOG! (Man I love this girl!)
I also learned that she is renovating her home right now, so the prospect of her little man coming this early was a bit stressful, especially with her mom out of town on a mini vacation. I loved how her mom kept calling her to check how she was doing and if she needed to come home yet! (Sweet Moments!)

I am so excited for Abby and her growing family! I cant wait to see that little bundle of joy!
Congratulations Abby!

Love, Danielle Enlow

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