Monday, October 30, 2017

The Rogers Family

Marie and I met about 7 years ago while we both worked at Sams Club in Logan!
We have so many great memories from our time together working there. Sadly we lost touch after I moved out of Logan.
So you can imagine my excitement when she won a giveaway of mine and we got to see each other again! Its like we had never lost contact and picked up where we left off!

Marie now has met and Married the man of her dreams Justin. They met while they were both going to school at USU. And Justin just finished his Nursing Degree and graduated from Weber State! And now they are starting a new adventure as they get ready to move to Pennsylvania to work and be closer to some family.
And we can not forgot sweet ol' little Lincoln. Oh my heart just melted when I saw him! He is the sweetest little 3 month old in the history of forever! I just wanted to hold him. (I may or may not be a little baby hungry if you could not tell)
The whole shoot he never whimpered or whined. He was just enjoying himself being the center of attention. He did shoot me a few dirty looks when I tried to get him to look at the camera. Ha ha! But I forgave him for those side glances he gave me.   
I just love how I got to see Marie and meet her sweet little family to catch up before they head out on their and exciting journey!

Danielle Enlow

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